Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Olympic Games- Stamp Designs (Scale & layout variation)

Here i started playing around with different scales and layouts of the the one stamp, and when i have decided on my final one, i will follow this through with the rest of them. 

Olympic Games- Stamp Designs

Below are some variations of my initial stamp design ideas. 

The idea of having a series of 6 stamps within one little stamp book, 5 of the individual circles of london and then a larger one of the 5 circles lined together. 

Here I decided to use gold for the queens head, the London Olympics logo and the definition of what each circle represents. 
I still kept with the white background but changed the colour of the queen, logo and definition to correspond with the iconic colour of each Olympic circle.
Here i reversed the colours, seeing if it looked better adding a bit more dimension to the stamp. I think these work for other class stamps, but possibly for the 1st class set i should stick with the cold and 2nd class maybe try silver.

I still feel i should try different scales and layouts, so back to the drawing board for me, playing around with the scale and layouts, to see if anything works better.

The 5 Circles of London (Olympic Games style)

After i designed these simplistic symbols, I then had to combine them together as a set of 5, linking them together to represent the Olympic Games logo. 

I drew up the existing Olympics Logo, so I could get an idea of the layout of the circles as well as the colour tones i should be using, which is below. 

Below is the Olympic logo combined with the '5 circles of London' that i designed. 

The 5 Circles of London- Symbols

When tackling this brief, the 1st designs I wanted to do were for the 2012 London Olympic Games. The symbol for the Olympic games every one is very aware being the 5 circles, so i thought the best way of me representing this was looking at iconic circles to do with london.
The '5 circles of london' i found when researching are below, shown through my simplistic symbol designs. 

1. The London Underground

2. The Sterling Coin

3. The Millenium Dome (O2 Arena)

4. Big Ben

5. The London Eye